Megawide Construction Corp. (Megawide or the Company)’s Chief Investor Relations Officer, Ms. Joan Cosico, emerged as the Best Investor Relations Officer for Small Cap Category in the recently concluded IR Magazine South East Awards 2022 held virtually last December 6, 2022.
Megawide’s Ms. Cosico was one of the two winners from the Philippines in this prestigious award. She bested five other candidates, three (3) from Singapore, and one (1) each from Indonesia and the Philippines.
Megawide was also shortlisted as finalists in the following categories: Best Investor Relations Team (Small Cap), Best in Industrials, and Best Annual Report (Small Cap) across the South East Asian Region.
The IR Magazine awards-by-research nominees are determined by the input of hundreds of analysts and portfolio managers, who give their opinions on which companies provide them with the best IR service in the South East Asia region. Every year, hundreds of publicly listed companies are invited to submit their list of buy and sell-side analysts and portfolio managers, so that they have the opportunity to vote via the IR Magazine survey.